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Qandle : HR Tech Platform building connected, empowered, and engaged workplaces

L-R Mr. Himanshu Aggarwal, Co-founder and CTO & Mr. Chayan Mukhopadhyay, Co-founder and CEO_Qandle-amazing-workplaces


Tech & HR are inseparable. Almost like all other spheres of business, tech has disrupted the way HR functions. Qandle is one such company that is helping Human Resource professionals handle their functions seamlessly through the use of technology.

Qandle has leveraged technology to develop a modular and extremely flexible solution for organizations looking to deliver the next-generation experience to their teams. Until now, Qandle has served over 400 clients. Qandle’s mission is to build connected, empowered, and engaged workplaces.

We spoke to Chayan Mukhopadhyay (CO-Founder and CEO) at Qandle to understand how the HR Tech industry has evolved and is likely to evolve in the future.


How has the HR tech industry evolved in the past decade? What according to you is the  future of HR tech industry?


The HR function is transforming at a rapid pace. In the 1990s HR’s played a functional role, which became supportive in the 2000s and now, it is becoming more strategic. As a result, the HR tools also need to evolve. From systems of record and talent, they need to transform into systems of engagement and intelligence. But most are not making that change. Which is why we are building Qandle.

Initially, HR technology solutions only catered to documentation-related requirements. However, over the period with wide implementation of AI, data analysis, and machine learning now there is a need to make day-to-day employee coordination smoother and take over mundane tasks. As the war for hiring and retaining talented employees wages on, the race among organizations to become more employee-centric will become fiercer, and the HR tech industry is going to play an extremely important role there.


How did the concept of Qandle first come into your mind. What led to the generation of this idea ?


While I was working at previous organisations, I noticed that most of the HR solutions were siloed, and they were broken and clunky. I realised that if the HR department has to hold periodic training sessions for employees on operating HR solutions, then the entire purpose of implementing a tech solution goes in vain. Nevertheless, when I decided to take the entrepreneurial plunge, I first created Perkkx- an employee benefits platform. However, based on HR professionals’ feedback, I realized that there was a dire need for a comprehensive and user-friendly HR Tech solution to assist with HR operations as well as act as a system of employee engagement and people intelligence. That is when I discussed the idea with Himanshu, and we launched Qandle together..


How does Qandle help the HR departments of organizations? What problem does it address to resolve?


Qandle is an All-In-One HR Platform focused on re-engineering HR Technology from employees’ perspective. We distinguish ourselves as a comprehensive solution built with the employees in mind and cover the entire gamut of HR activities – from hire to retire. We have leveraged technology to develop a modular and extremely flexible solution for organizations looking to deliver the next-generation experience to their employees. From managing the operational HR tasks to the more strategic people functions, the HRs can manage it all in one place.


Are there other products in this category? How is Qandle different from these?


Qandle’s main focus is to build connected, empowered and engaged workplaces. While others may focus on the routine HR tasks, we primarily focus on making the employees love the tool and consider it as a system to ensure fairness and transparency, and not consider it as a tracking software. In addition, we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach. It is extremely important to adjust to the changing requirements of HRs and understand the environment at work in order to build a product that suits the workplace.


What are your future plans? How do you plan to continue to innovate at Qandle?


Our target is to expand Qandle globally. We are striving to continuously improve the product offering by introducing new innovations and modules to help the evolving landscape of work. I believe our clients are our second biggest assets (I firmly believe that employees are the biggest assets for any organization) and we rely upon their feedback to continuously improve different features and build new ones at Qandle.

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