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Posts from Human Resource Blogs Category


Decoding The Leadership Style of the Next Decade

Future leaders will face even greater challenges. Leadership in the next decade will be about striking a balance between the pursuit of profit and the well-being of the organization and its ecosystem. And it will require a sense of compassion.

Gender Inclusiveness At the Workplace-Amazing-Workplaces

How To Improve Gender Inclusiveness At The Workplace

While much gets written, spoken and discussed on this subject statistics have time and again proved that diversity and gender inclusiveness is still a topic that is widely speculated but where a lot of action still needs to be taken globally.

Gender Bias in the workplace-amazing-workplaces

How Gender Discrimination Affects Women in the Workplace

Gender discrimination in the workplace has been one of the dreaded hurdles to success. While most women give in to the situation, others fight back to bring reforms. Sadly, the reforms still lack essence and structure. As a result of which, victims, especially women, continue to suffer.

5 Best Practices for Driving Employee Engagement-amazing-workplaces

5 Best Practices for Driving Employee Engagement

Employee engagement turned out to be the only magic elixir that is both possible and, to some extent, quite cost-effective. Following employee engagement best practices isn’t as easy as slicing butter with a hot knife.

HR Trends 2022 Amazing Workplaces

Top HR Trends in 2022 predicted by Industry Leaders!!

The year will be another year of challenges for human capital. As we step into another year filled with uncertainty, here are some key insights shared by industry leaders on few of the HR trends we are likely to come across in 2022!


Employer Branding Tips For A Remote Working Environment

With many employees now fully/partially distributed outside of the workplace, Companies have to work that much harder and smarter to nurture their employer brands, foster their company cultures and relook at the value that they are offering to both employees and prospective candidates


How To Prepare For Your Next Job Interview

Preparing strategically for any interview is the sole way out for success. Don’t let your thoughts get swayed away and concentrate on the basics. The bottom line is that interview process is a serious affair, take it seriously and prepare for the same.

Leaders Need to Be Humans First-amazing-workplaces

Why Do Leaders Need To Be Humans First?

Leaders play a critical role in our workplaces and society. As people in positions of power and authority, they have the capacity to impact our daily lives. The onus of establishing connection too, therefore, lies on them.

Employer Branding for Startups-amazing-workplaces

Why Is Employer Branding So Important for Startups

In the job market, startups are up against the big players with big pockets hence, startups have to be more creative when it comes to creating an employer brand and compelling job-seekers their way.

Employee Engagement and Increased ROI-amazing-workplaces

Employee Engagement and Increased ROI

Employee engagement power packs individual performance in an organization, but do companies with more engaged employees’ race ahead of those with a less-engaged workforce?


8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Office Experience

Ensuring positive employee experience motivates your people to get their job done. Meanwhile, their productivity can also benefit your company. That’s because higher productivity means you are able to serve more clients, which can impact your bottom line.

5 Ways to Use Video to Improve Employee Engagement

It’s no secret that videos are becoming more and more popular. This is all because video content is engaging in ways that other types of content just can’t. If you’re looking for a way to improve employee engagement at your company or organization then you need to start using video!

Mastering the Art Of Virtual Interviews

Mastering the Art of Virtual Interviews

Since the pandemic broke out, 86% of recruiters have relied on virtual interviews to kick start their hiring processes. Candidates who need to be interviewed, choose a quiet corner or room and connect with their recruiters via phone, video conferencing, and other online communication platforms.

5 Performance Appraisal trends you should look out for

Performance appraisal methods are evolving rapidly with trends like 360-degree feedback, psychological appraisal, and MBO gaining traction. Choosing the right method or a combination ensures better employee performance and organizational success. Explore the top five innovative appraisal methods shaping the future of employee evaluations.

Workforce Adaptability-Velocity-Global-Amazing Workplaces

How to Cultivate an Adaptable Workforce

Workplace adaptability is a soft skill that can take years to master, but there are simple ways you can encourage yourself and your employees to become more adaptable to change. Read on for tips to becoming more adaptable. 

Six Stages Of Learning Every L&D Pro Must Know

Learning and Development (L&D) is about facilitating non-stop learning and growth. This can be achieved by fostering a learner-friendly environment and conducting capability assessments.

Advice for an HR Professional

A person stepping into a new role is confused and apprehensive and wants to know what it takes to be successful in that role and how they can avoid common pitfalls. They want specifics and hands-on experience from someone who has been there before, and done that (and hopefully succeeded).

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Top Trends HR Payroll Has Witnessed During Lockdown

There has been a rapid standardization, optimization, and digitization of the HR roles through online HR platforms that provide an error-free efficient system of producing payroll data and insights.


Understanding Facts And Myths around POSH Law in India

Harassment of women at workplace is not something new or unheard of. Despite ratifying in 1992 for CEDAW (United Nations Convention on Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women), no concrete measures were adopted to safeguard women’s interest at the workplace.

10 Tips To Craft Effective Job Descriptions-amazing-workplaces-blog

10 Tips To Craft Super Effective Job Descriptions

If crafted effectively, job descriptions can go a long way in facilitating a smooth and hassle-free recruitment process. Here are the top 10 tips for companies looking to create effective job descriptions.


What Is Work Life Balance And Ways To Achieve It

Numerous people today are busy earning a living that they have no time for life. However, various studies have shown that the most productive employees are balanced people with full and even lives – both at the workplace and out of it.


5 Major Functions of Human Resource Management

HR is not all about making Rangoli and we couldn’t agree more.  HR is the most strategic function in any organization and perceiving the HR department as the incompetent and ineffective department is nothing less than a misconception.

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HR for small businesses: How to set it right

Big organizations understand that the role of HR has evolved from just handling recruitment and payroll to being responsible for employee development, satisfaction, company growth, and maintaining a healthy company culture.

what is employer branding-amazing workplaces

Employer Branding- What, Why and How?

Employer Branding is the effort of managing and influencing your brand reputation among job seekers and the societal strata to garner positive attention. But not essentially, everybody has to follow the Tata model.


Present-ready for the future, the new age graduates

Thanks to technological advancements we continued working from the safety of our homes. Remote work, work from home or work from anywhere became a norm across industries. This is a luxury that our previous generations never experienced.


Five upskilling and reskilling strategies at the workplace

The impact of learning at the workplace is difficult to overestimate. It’s a huge investment the companies can put into their future internal talent mobility. Besides, upskilling and reskilling are building blocks of such essential attributes as employee engagement, a successful employer brand, and life-learning culture.


Are YOU Creating a Learning Culture at the Workplace?

A learning culture not only helps organizations build capabilities to deliver on their business strategy but is also crucial to promote continuous improvement across organization and to stay up with the pace of change in today’s VUCA world.


‘Open-Heart’ Workplace Culture for an Amazing Workplace

Open Heart Culture means a workplace that welcomes all, has tolerance towards mistakes, accepts differences & a variety of ideas, empowers and enables all talent, and most importantly respects and values every single individual.


8 highly effective interview tips for cracking an online job interview

Virtual job interviews can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can ace them with ease. From technical setup to body language, this guide covers essential tips to boost confidence, engage with interviewers, and secure your dream job. Follow these expert-backed insights for a successful online interview experience.

How to Create a Safe and Harassment Free Workplace-shegerian-law-amazing-workplaces

How can Organizations Create a Safe and Harassment-Free Workplace?

Despite progressive movements that seek to foster diversity and respect among members of society and in smaller clusters like workplaces, specifically, it seems like the problem persists. It is time to reevaluate workplace culture—why and how it permeates harassment and discrimination, and what must be done about it.

rethinking and reinventing the workplace-amazing-workplaces

Rethinking and Reinventing the Workplace

While we are rethinking and reinventing the workplace, efforts should be made to address concerns of those who prefer WFH. New ways of interactions will need to be thought through for them – internal and external.


10 unique Employer Branding Initiatives by famous companies

Every single company out there is now keen on ensuring a good work culture for their employees. Moreover, they indulge in some branding activities beyond that too. Amazing Workplaces studied and identified some brands that are seriously working towards creating a unique Employer Brand image for themselves in the minds of their existing as well as potential employees.


Evolving Social Purpose Organisations: Building Leadership Capacity

Based on a survey with over 250 nonprofit leaders from India in 2013, Bridgespan reports that more than 50 per cent of NGOs had not received any funding for leadership development in the last two years and lacked the talent management processes to build effective teams.

what to consider when planning a hybrid workplace-article-amazing-workplaces

The ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’ of Designing a Hybrid Workplace

What makes a hybrid work model sound interesting is what the shift to a mixed operational model may mean for organizations and their employees and what considerations organizations would have to keep in mind when making this shift.

Role & qualities of a Leader during Corona Crisis

How Can Corporate Leaders Support their People during Corona Crisis

During the past few weeks our entire country has been going through some really, unfortunate and dark times of illness and grief. There are  lakhs of people who lost their lives (2.54 lakhs as I am typing this)  as an aftermath in UP along 555 number of children were orphaned,  some lost one parent and others lost both their parents to the deadly virus.


Managing Employee Productivity in times of Covid

The work from home culture initially raised a lot of doubts and concerns over employee productivity getting hampered. There was a constant fear that employees might slack off in work if not under surveillance 24 by 7


Using E-Learning Modules to Enhance Employee Engagement

We leveraged this opportunity and found some innovative ways to engage with our team through in-house tech platform “Gurukul” which was well established for Training Need Identification process. Considering the Work from Home situation, we added one more feather to our in-house portal by making it compatible for ‘e-Learning’ across any platforms or device.

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Building a Gender Inclusive work environment

Today, we are at a crossroads when it comes to Gender Inclusivity and Neutrality, in the corporate workplace. The recent women’s day celebrations in March raised the issues of unequal representation of women in leadership roles, the issues like equal share of voice, equal pay and equal opportunities, continue to be real hurdles in building gender inclusive and functionally effective diverse workplaces.

Empowering Managers to Thrive

Investing in managers and helping them become their best selves at work means you also invest in their teams who will benefit from a more confident, purpose filled and energized leader.


Effectively Managing and Engaging Remote Employees

Remote work demands new skills from managers, which most managers have never experienced. Changing your management style is not an easy thing to do, especially when their style is effective in-person!


What does the Gen Z Really want?

Guest Post : Vinay Trivedi, CHRO | TA Pai Young HR Leader – Economic Times | Speaker | Guest Faculty | University Advisory Board |

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Role of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources

Artificial intelligence has spread its range of influence across industries, spanning domains. From manufacturing to healthcare and finance to logistics as well as Human Resources. Most businesses across the globe are tapping the potential of artificial intelligence and its subsets to fuel their growth.

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7 Tips for creating a positive employee experience

EX is the creation of positive work experience and the perception of such from the workers perspective. To say it in a few words: In Employee Experience we work with feelings and hopefully most of the time they are positive.


10 Myths About UK Employment Law

Contributed by: Sarah Simcott, Employment Lawyer, Percy Hughes & Roberts Solicitors Opinions expressed and information shared by Amazing Workplaces contributors are their own. Knowing your rights as


Covid-19-Workplace Tips for Employees

Many countries have managed to flatten the COVID-19 growth curve. The testing has been going on at full pace. Several vaccines (with varying safety and

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The Future of Gig Economy Post Pandemic

Gig workers basically consist of independent, outworkers, self-contributors and part-time employees. They are in more control of the career decisions they make, the direction they want to go and are not bound by corporate dynamics.

Mansi Gandhi, COO & Co-Founder, DoctorC-featured-image-amazing-workplaces

Significance of Diversity in Indian Workplaces

Workplace diversity means understanding, accepting, and valuing differences between people of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Authored by: Mansi Gandhi, COO & Co-Founder, DoctorC

Neeraj Balani Managing Director – International SOS, India-website-featured-image

Building a safe, resilient and sustainable future for your workforce

While no business can guarantee preventing the spread of infection, vital precautionary steps will minimise risks, fulfil your Duty of Care responsibilities and promote workforce resilience. Authored By: Neeraj Balani, Managing Director, International SOS, India

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SYKES India, A Company Hiring Amidst Covid-19

SYKES is working on a HYBRID work model, with more than 50% of our team members still working from home, while the others are reporting on-site. Authored by: Dishant Bhojwani, Country Head – SYKES India

Free Culture Guide to Build a Happy & Productive Workforce