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Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida – Clash of Corporates 2020


Talent wins’ games but teamwork and intelligence wins’ championships. At Jaipuria Institute of Management we believe each employee can deliver to the best of their ability on and off the field if the mind and body are in sync.

On 22nd and 23rd February 2020, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida organized their first of its kind event, Clash of Corporates. Apart from engaging with our stakeholders through recruitments, internships, guest lectures etc. Jaipuria decided to connect in a different way, through Sports with the idea “Let’s take the meetings from the board room to the fields”!

The clash begun with great zeal as the event saw participation from more than 70 companies with a footfall of approximate 500 participants across games like Basketball, Volleyball, Gully Cricket, TT, Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Pool.

To quote one of the participants, “Everything we do, whether it’s a meeting in a board room or playing cricket, we, as a team, give it our all”. While the days during the week maybe jam packed for the participants of various organizations, the energy and passion that was displayed on the field during the weekend was infectious and exemplary. This display of camaraderie, team spirit and sportsmanship was enough to demonstrate how the participants manage their time, organization skills and work towards achieving a common objective and goal.

Clash of corporates wrapped up on the 2nd day on a high note and promise of carrying forward the same energy in the years to come.

Winners across the games were as follows:

Pool Asian Paints
Carrom Landis+Gyr
Women’s singles: Delhivery
Men’s Singles Fitso
Men’s Doubles Fitso
Mixed Doubles HCL
Men’s Doubles Fitso
Mixed Doubles Fitso
Women’s singles: HCL
Men’s Singles Fitso
Basketball HCL
Volley Ball Fitso
Gully Cricket Shubham Housing Finance
Chess Mahindra Finance

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