Employees are influential, they decide the company’s well being and forthcoming. They take after their leader and reckon on how much they mean to their employers. Employee appreciation is a vital factor when conversing about employees. Showing your employees that you’re grateful to have them takes more effort than expected. It can be done by sincerely appreciating them also an employee appreciation can also be turned into a fun event.
Celebrate the birthdays
Get a cake, anniversaries are special. Birthdays are one of the most important days to show your employees that you are important to them. Celebrate their birthdays along with your team and show them that you are important to them. The reason behind this is not only employee appreciation and recognition but to build a strong bond between the team.
Make them thank you notes
Making few little self-written notes with your own hands and leaving at your employer’s desk will never be out dated. Writing a note rather than emailing it means much more. Leave them, ‘Have a nice day’ notes or a ‘Feel Better’ when they are sick or not feeling up to the mark on that day.
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Rewards and Recognition
Reward them for their work in front of everybody. By giving them awards you show that you’re proud of them of what they do. Keep few entertaining activities on the ‘Reward Day’ and reward them according to it. For example, ‘Employee who dances the best’, ‘The best mimic, ‘The best entertainer, ‘Employee of the month’ etc.
We ensure that Monday is the most exciting day of the week! Interview, Mike Murali, Capgemini India
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Take them out
Take your employees out for lunch during lunch breaks or sit with them in the cafeteria and have lunch together. It proves that you don’t just appreciate them during working hours but also when there is no work. By having lunch with them, you get to know them better and understand them personally. Learn about their life and family and build the bond.
Go on trips
Whether it is a work trip or a vacation with co-workers, try and look out for each other and spend a valuable time together. Trips with office colleagues often makes one nervous, however trips like these makes it possible to understand each other completely and remove the barriers of nervousness. Travel and set goals together.
Employee Appreciation Day
Organize the office functions and let your employees be the boss for the day. Be the host and entertain them. Show them how much they are worth for the company and to you. Organize fun little games for them and gift them with appreciation presents. Your employees worked hard all year, they deserve a fantastic show for themselves on the appreciation day.
Office Sports Day
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Organize soccer or any games likely for your employees. Make teams and have friendly matches and increase your team power in a fun way. Sports and games bring everybody together and will also allow your team to know each other well. Use this to increase your team strength.
Office sports also relaxes new employees into a fun and amusing environment. It will help them get to know other employees in the office. Nevertheless, a little of fun is always required to boost productivity.
Why Having Fun at Work is Important
Studies show that if people are having fun, they’re going to work harder, stay longer, maintain their composure in a crisis and take better care of the organization.
If people are having fun, they’re going to work harder, stay longer, maintain their composure in a crisis and take better care of the organization. Here are some of the benefits for providing a fun yet productive environment in the office.
A ‘Thank You’ meeting
It does not require to be super great or memorable all the time. You can always encourage and thank them for their hard work on an everyday meeting. Sometimes it is the little things as such that matters more to the team.
Arrange a potluck together
An office potluck is one of the other reasons to add fun to the workplace. It gives the team to communicate with each other about their culture and personal environment. It bridges the gap and gives the chance to learn about each other. Office Potlucks also helps in generating new creative ideas about work.
Open House
The concept of open house at work which is also called as ‘Family Day’ by few companies is held to enhance the connection and engagement between the employees by introducing to each other families. All employee’s families are invited on the open house function where entertainment and fun activities are arranged for the families.
By arranging open house, employees are given a chance to not only get to now each other but also their families. The following helps in upgrading the relationship to professionalism to friendship.
Employees must be motivated to work, this can only be feasible if they feel they’re being appreciated for their hard work. Employee recognition and appreciation plays a huge role in motivation. Through showing that you’re thankful to them, you erase the barriers in between an employer and an employee. A leader must give their employees more than a pay check to look forward to every month. Motivated employees help workplace to set goals and accomplish them better than expected. For this reason, employee recognition and appreciation are a crucial factor in a pleasant working environment.
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