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When; The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink – Turning Towards The Good Habit Of Time Management!

The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink-Book Summary


One of the biggest problems concerning time is procrastination, especially with the younger generations. An excerpt that focuses on rational activities and cycles contributes immensely in combating the ill-effects of procrastination.


Almost everyone knows that time is an important factor in our lives, but very few know just how they can use it to their benefit. There is a common saying where people go “The clock is ticking.” It may make a person speed their pace up, but does it truly give any result? In the book “When; The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing,” Daniel Pink explains the problem of ‘when’ and how one can lessen its frequency.

Time management is one of the essential disciplinary habits that one can adopt in their lifestyle, ensuring success and health. There are numerous aspects in the day of an average joe where the correct use of their time could give them many different results. The book When Daniel Pink showcases research-based writings in an interesting way – which will grab the attention of even the biggest-time thieves.

One of the biggest problems concerning time is procrastination, especially with the younger generations. An excerpt that focuses on rational activities and cycles contributes immensely in combating the ill-effects of procrastination. As one continues to delve into the attention-grabbing flow of Daniel Pink’s work, they will find themselves with the solution to several issues that they face in their daily lives.

This engaging and entertaining book is great for people who lack in their skills of decision making and need the right amount of push towards it. Daniel Pink’s emphasis on good and bad timing gives the reader a deeper look into the psychology of the human mind and how timing affects it more than one might give it credit for.

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