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What Is Emotional Intelligence And Why Is It So Important In The Workplace?

Picture of Ramani Ganesh

Ramani Ganesh

Ramani Ganesh is Senior VP - Human Resources, Hirect India. She is a proactive and business-focused HR leader with a dynamic 14-year career, steering organisations through complex transitions and building an empowered and talented workforce in cross-cultural environments.
Emotional Intelligence - EQ


Emotional intelligence is the ability to interpret another person’s emotions and understand them accurately. People express anger but that doesn’t mean they are angry. Sometimes they mask other emotions like fear, sadness, disappointment, and more behind their anger. Learning about these emotions and understanding where they arise from is important for reaching a high level of emotional intelligence. In this article, we will look at what emotional intelligence means and why its importance in the workplace, along with some examples to understand the scenarios without any confusion.


Importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace:


The ability to manage one’s emotions is crucial in many facets of the workplace. Those who are not familiar with the phrase could dispute the relevance of EQ. But there is evidence to show a definitive connection between emotional intelligence and many aspects of the work. Studies have demonstrated the connection between emotional intelligence, better work performance, professional success, and mental wellness.


Beyond the workplace, emotional intelligence is helpful in many aspects of life. Understanding and controlling your emotions may improve your outlook on life and make you feel more positive about your circumstances and yourself.


How does emotional intelligence help managers?


An essential component of conflict management in the workplace is emotional intelligence (EQ). When you can recognize and understand others’ feelings, you are more likely to be able to help those people through difficult situations. Leaders who take time to understand different perspectives can promote a productive atmosphere in which people feel heard and comfortable working toward solutions that everyone can accept. By paying attention to how others respond to one another, leaders can help people feel heard and open up new channels of communication that lead to compromise solutions.


Benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace:


A high level of emotional intelligence improves one’s capacity to make accurate decisions, create and sustain collaborative relationships, deal well with stress, and manage to a larger extent with rapid change. To put it another way, it helps an individual not just perform effectively at work but also to attain various other goals and objectives in his or her life.


So now we are aware of the benefits of having emotional intelligence. But what advantages does strong emotional intelligence in the workplace have?


Creating Connection:

Positive interactions with others open up opportunities for strong connections. Emotional intelligence and a more positive attitude can increase your chances of making meaningful connections at work, in social situations and even in your personal life.

Positive interactions:

You communicate with co-workers, supervisors, stakeholders, and potential customers at work. This can create opportunities to develop relationships based on mutual trust, respect and appreciation. Emotional intelligence is vital in these interactions because it helps you feel comfortable expressing yourself clearly and confidently.

Career Prospects:

A high emotional intelligence quotient is desirable for employees, especially in a job where performance matters. Employers will look for those who possess this trait and can therefore perform better.


Examples of emotional intelligence in the workplace:



There are many ways to use emotional intelligence at work. One example is receiving constructive criticism. Receiving constructive criticism is an excellent way to learn and grow. If you respond negatively, it can be difficult to take this experience as something positive. Instead of reacting negatively, emotionally intelligent people will reflect on the situation and turn it into a positive outcome.


Supporting Co-workers:

If you are good at putting yourself in other people’s shoes and understanding their emotions, you can use these skills to make a difference in your workplace. Empathy comes into play here; putting yourself in someone else’s shoes will let you engage with them and make a difference. You’ll learn to see things from everyone’s point of view, which may be a terrific method to start interacting with diverse audiences.


Productivity at Work:

When you encourage employees to think about their emotions rather than act on impulse, they are more likely to be productive. Stronger relationships are built, people are motivated to work harder, and there is less likelihood of conflict in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is a key factor for sales professionals, so it’s easy to see how productivity can be boosted when EQ levels are high.



Success in the job is highly dependent on emotional intelligence. It will help you build new relationships and connect with others, as well as increase your levels of positivity and satisfaction. Not to mention the increased sense of well-being and positivity you’ll be tapping into with your ability to manage your emotions well.


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