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Posts from Leadership Skills Category

Emotional Intelligence

7 Ways In Which Employees Can Improve Their Emotional Intelligence

Improving emotional intelligence is vital to promoting engagement and productivity. People with high emotional intelligence understand feelings and know how to control them. They can also perceive and understand other people’s emotions, and possess good problem-solving skills.

Leaders Need to Be Humans First-amazing-workplaces

Why Do Leaders Need To Be Humans First?

Leaders play a critical role in our workplaces and society. As people in positions of power and authority, they have the capacity to impact our daily lives. The onus of establishing connection too, therefore, lies on them.

empathy, EQ, empathy at workplace, emotional leadership

How important is Empathy at the Workplace?

Smart leaders are quick to work on the attributes in an organization that enhance trust and much of their time should be spent on building a culture that strengthens these attributes.. Empathy has to be a Top Down approach as we have to lead by example and motivate the rest to join us.

Free Culture Guide to Build a Happy & Productive Workforce