Several aspiring entrepreneurs talk about how exciting it is to start a company, but only Ben Horowitz is open about how challenging it is to operate an already started company.
In the book, “The Hard Thing About Hard Things,” Ben Horowitz, the Andreessen Horowitz’s associate benefactor and generally regarded and experienced business people of the Silicon Valley, illustrates on his own experience establishing, selling, making due, purchasing, running, and placing resources into innovative ventures to offer elementary catchphrase and viable insight for discovering the most troublesome issues that business colleges don’t cover.
He doesn’t gloss over the way that you’ll presumably have insufficient data, may need skill, and feel scared while settling on troublesome and significant choices. In any case, you need to make them. There are no simple responses – that is the hard thing about hard things. Yet, Horowitz offers all that can be expected – his insight, exciting points, a few strategies, and outcomes.
Horowitz, a lifetime rap devotee, joins business illustrations with verses from his primary rap tunes, coming clean regarding everything from excusing companions to plundering the contenders, from building up and keeping the attitude of a CEO to getting when to trade out.
This book is vital for senior entrepreneurs and aspiring venture heads who keenly wish to hold a start-up. Yes, not to forget, the book reveals Horowitz’s usual humor with direct speaking, along with humbling, personal experiences.
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One of the best business books out there is strongly recommended for hustlers. The book has an incredibly refreshing tone.
Given how difficult it is to start and maintain a business, it’s essential to obtain advice from someone who has been through it all, such as Horowitz.
- Book Title : The Hard Thing About Hard Things
- Book Subtitle : Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
- Authors : Ben Horowitz
- Publisher : Harper Business
- Topics : Business & Motivation Book