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Preparing for remote working post COVID-19


Amazing Workplaces team interviewed Zoeb Rajkotwalla, Chief Sales Officer at Cognatic Solutions to understand how workplaces have been disrupted due to COVID-19 and how businesses are preparing for working remotely post pandemic.

Here is an excerpt from the conversation.

  1. How has COVID-19, disrupted the way of working for organizations?

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the world. With governments across the world implementing lockdowns and millions of individuals remaining confined to their homes, businesses in every industry and sector have been forced to make difficult choices to survive in what has rapidly become the new normal.

The most apparent impact has been that of downsizing, layoffs, and salary reductions, as companies struggle to stay afloat in an uncertain economic landscape. But the biggest disruption, and most permanent, change to come out of this situation has been the shift to remote working.

Where before remote working was seen as an unfavourable, temporary solution, the spate of lockdowns we’ve seen have pushed it to the forefront. Businesses were forced to adopt this option or risk shutting down. And once they had, they began to see the benefits and flexibility it offered them. Even once the pandemic has been contained, things will never go back to the way they were. Like it or not, remote working is here to stay.

  1. How can Technology companies provide viable solutions to organizations to ensure seamless working in the post COVID-19 scenario?

Technology has always been at the forefront of any advancement in the field of business. In this particular instance, companies that have been early adopters of the latest advances in technology have found it quicker and easier to transition to a new mode of working.

With lockdowns and social distancing now an inescapable reality of life, switching to remote working has become all but mandatory. But in order for a business to effectively handle this switch, it’s imperative that they work with the right partners and technologies to smoothly effect this change.

  1. What services does Cognatic Solution offer to its clients?

Cognatic offers our partners a range of fully-managed IT services, enabling them to seamlessly shift their operations online. By integrating various functionalities into one package, we help businesses avoid many of the pitfalls often associated with remote working while gaining a critical edge over their rivals in terms of operating and cost efficiencies.

Cognatic’s managed services framework provides businesses with an IT framework that pre-emptively identifies and resolves any issues that may arise. This is achieved through a team of highly-trained IT professionals who combine consultative services with 24×7 ongoing management and support to ensure that our clients’ technology is protected on a constant basis.

Our service models also come with a range of tools to simplify ongoing management and solution support. These include central management, on-premises, hybrid or cloud deployment, and integrated data-loss prevention. Additionally, we also offer end-point functionalities such as anti-malware, vulnerability protection, endpoint encryption and application control, and mobile security and management.

  1. How do these services help organizations in the current scenario?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional working paradigms, forcing many companies to adopt a work-from-home policy for the very first time. Many businesses still aren’t equipped to adopt an adequate remote work model, or even prepared to facilitate a structured work from home policy. Through our platform and the various services and products that we provide, Cognatic offers a way to bridge this gap and make the transition as smooth as possible.

As companies make the shift to remote working, it is vital that they invest in the tools and programmes necessary to optimise this new mode of functioning. Key among them are three vital features: cloud-based technologies, mobile-friendly software, and a secure means of communication. The first ensures that the members of a team spread across multiple locations all have access to common work files and documents. This allows them to share information and edits, collaborate on projects, and pool their talents just as productively as they would in an office. With many employees not having access to a suitable desktop or laptop at home, mobile-compatible software is essential to allow them to participate in any ongoing activities and stay in the loop. As for the third, the majority of companies generally have access to sensitive materials that they are obligated to protect. With remote working taking place on the private devices of employees, this information is left unsecured and vulnerable to being hacked and stolen. Through our system, we ensure that potentially sensitive communications take place entirely on an encrypted third-party platform.

  1. How do you see the future of work shaping up, what are the pros and cons of the new way of working?

As I’d previously mentioned, the working environment has been irrevocably reshaped by this year’s events. Work-from-home is now a widely accepted practice, and both economic realities and employee sentiments will prevent these changes from being rolled back to any meaningful extent.

Remote working certainly has its positives, for all parties involved. For the employee, it provides a chance to work from the comfort of their homes, saving them the time and expenses that are inescapable part of going to the office every day. As such, their productivity and efficiency will also see an improvement. A business will naturally benefit from this. A remote workforce also enables a business to save operating costs and overheads, with only a few key personnel required to visit the office on a daily basis.

On the other hand, all of the benefits I’ve listed come undone if a company is unable to properly implement a remote working policy. Work is delayed, communication is hampered, and a business is left struggling to function. That is why it is imperative that a managed service provider be partnered with, to effectively resolve these issues.

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