Providing sanitary items to employees can be an amazing way to ease the stress and strain associated with not being able to carry pads on their own. The availability of sanitary napkins at work not only relieves stress but also demonstrates that the company is more open about all of their female employees’ needs rather than keeping to taboos.
Dealing with the menstrual cycle is never simple, given all the strain and stress female faces at work and at home. While some women have little trouble with their menstrual cycle, others have significant pain, stress, and bloating. A woman has to deal with persistent headaches, mood swings, anger, and tension in addition to the physical issues, which makes it tough to get through the day. Menstruation is a process that is experienced by almost 50% of the population and half of that are working rigorously. According to data, 33 percent of the female population works with organizations and multinational corporations to help the country flourish. As a result, companies should recognize their responsibilities to reduce the agony of their employees by making the office more menstrual friendly to create a good environment for the women working hard for the organization’s growth.
It is essential to have access to a proper washroom and cleaned toiletries while menstruating. Toilets should be close to cubicles to make it more convenient for employees. To maintain a sanitary environment, specialized bins for the disposal of sanitary napkins or tampons should be provided. Because menstrual cups are now the norm and are more environmentally friendly an appropriate hygiene sink is required in this situation. Without a good disposal system or hygiene, female employees are more likely to be hesitant to use the facilities, which might create an unpleasant work environment.
Maintaining proper hygiene and providing sanitary bins are not the only ways to create a menstrual-friendly workplace, spreading the message to all staff, even male colleagues, can help create a more welcoming environment for women. Providing sanitary items to employees can be an amazing way to ease the stress and strain associated with not being able to carry pads on their own. The availability of sanitary napkins at work not only relieves stress but also demonstrates that the company is more open about all of their female employees’ needs rather than keeping to taboos.
Dealing with menstruation can get difficult sometimes and handling the pressure at your workplace can never erase the pain, handling it all at once can only make things difficult to manage. During menstruation, women struggles with severe pain, difficulty in sleeping, or maybe sickness. To ease the pain, employers should provide a room where employees can relax or lie down for 10 minutes to regain the energy needed to get through the day. The company can also facilitate the employees with a heating pad and medicines that are effective in easing the pain caused by menstrual cramps. These activities help the female employees to talk more freely about the stress and pain they experience because of menstruation and can make it more comfortable for them to work.
Menstruation is a process that is experienced by almost 50% of the population and half of that are working rigorously. According to data, 33 percent of the female population works with organizations and multinational corporations to help the country flourish.
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Here are a few more suggestions for the policies that should be adopted by the companies to ensure the well-being of their women employees.
- Providing free menstrual products: Like toilet paper or tissue paper is provided as the toiletries in the company for free, the menstrual products should also be provided for every menstruating employee working in the company. Often working employee gets their periods during working hours and gets stressed due to not having access to a sanitary product. This causes unnecessary stress to the employee.
- Provide toilet facility: To avoid having to walk to another level, there should be a woman’s restroom on each floor, and there should be more cubicles per bathroom to guarantee that less time is spent waiting. Additionally, each toilet should be kept clean in order to prevent the spread of urinary infections and other illnesses, and sanitary bins should be present in all toilets.
- Menstrual leave: Paid Menstrual leaves should be provided to every woman employee going through menstruation and the leaves should not be counted as sick leave.
- Stress Management: Stress may have a significant impact on our physical, mental as well as emotional health. It also impacts creativity, productivity, and overall employee engagement. Work is obviously going to cause stress, and with menstruation going on it is set to cause extra stress, anxiety, and mood swings. Therefore, helping your employees manage stress is important too. Incorporating tools like pain relief creams can also help alleviate physical discomfort, providing your team with a well-rounded approach to stress management.
Menstruation is a stage of life that every woman goes through; it is not something to be ashamed of or guilty about; it is a normal part of the human body’s development. More discussion about this issue would only increase awareness and provide a better environment for women to live in.