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5 Ways to Use Video to Improve Employee Engagement

Picture of Rachelle Ann Raymaro

Rachelle Ann Raymaro

Rachelle Ann Raymaro is a PR Outreach Specialist at VEED.IO. Rachelle enjoys watching movies while eating her favorite snack.


It’s no secret that videos are becoming more and more popular. More people are watching videos on their phones, tablets, laptops, desktops – you name it! This is all because video content is engaging in ways that other types of content just can’t. If you’re looking for a way to improve employee engagement at your company or organization then you need to start using video!


Create a welcome video to introduce new employees


A new employee starts at your company on Monday. You can’t wait to see her face when she walks in for the first time, but what should you say? Should you give her a tour of the office and introduce all of your coworkers or give her some tips on how to get started with the job (like where to find supplies)?

Well, it turns out that giving an introduction video is not only fun but also beneficial for both parties! After all, new employees gain insight into their work environment before they even step foot inside while current employees get a glimpse of who’s joining their team. By using welcome videos (and other forms of communication), companies are able to create cohesive relationships between multiple generations in one workplace. No one wants to be the “outdated” or “disconnected employee,” so by creating a welcome video you are able to avoid this feeling.

You can use video animation in no time to create and indulge a comic sense in the video with characters and phrases and make it attractive for the welcomers.


Share company values with videos that are short and sweet


The way to get your company’s values across is not always easy. There’s a lot of time and effort that goes into writing, drafting up, and sending out emails to all employees with the company values written in them. One way to do this more effectively is through videos that are short and sweet. Videos can be shared on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook so they’re easily seen by a wide audience of people who work for the company. Did you know that there are ways to compress a video down to 10 seconds or less without losing its quality? If you have a lot to share but just don’t have the time, breaking your videos up into smaller clips is a quick and easy way to post on social media sites.

This is a great way to increase employee engagement because it will allow employees to not feel disconnected. It supports the company values because the video presents it in an engaging four-minute clip that can be shared anywhere.


Use video for training – it’s more engaging than reading off slides


Video is much more engaging than reading from slides and offers many benefits to those in need of learning how to do their job better. In addition to increasing employee engagement, video offers a cost-effective way for businesses with limited budgets to train employees on new skills and procedures without spending money on travel or creating additional work hours for staff members. Learning can happen anytime and anywhere with just a few minutes of downtime at your desk or during your commute home if you’re using public transportation. With video training, there’s no waiting time or having to find someone else who has the expertise you need either because these courses are available 24/7 so they can be accessed anywhere at any time.


Showcase your team in action with an employee spotlight series


Employee spotlight series videos are a great way to showcase your team in action. A good employee spotlight video often includes the following: brief background information, goals for the company and position, accomplishment or work sample that helped with achieving those goals, future plans for the person and/or their department. It’s important to show how an employee is making an impact on your organization while also highlighting what they do best. This type of content can help establish credibility with potential candidates who may be considering applying for positions within your company.


Celebrate milestones, anniversaries, and wins with a company-wide video message from the CEO or President of the company


A company-wide video message is a great way to celebrate milestones, anniversaries, and wins. The messages can be personalized by thanking employees for their hard work or celebrating the anniversary of an employee’s first day on the job. Employees will feel appreciated and valued when they receive a personal greeting from their employer in this manner. It also gives them something to share with friends and family that will commemorate these occasions in a personal way. Some employers may even use these videos as motivation for team members who are struggling, reminding them of how far they’ve come since joining the company.


Tips on How to Create Successful Employee Engagement Videos


Creating employee engagement videos is something that can take a lot of time and it’s important to be prepared. This will help your employees feel even more engaged in what you’re doing at your company because they will feel like they are not just part of the team, but that they are also helping other people come together to succeed.

Come up with what you want to say to your employees. This includes defining your company values so that they know the priorities for how you work. This should be communicated in an engaging manner so that people stay interested while watching the video. It’s also important to know who you are targeting. You should consider whether this video is mostly for current employees or if it will be seen by potential candidates as well.

Write a script for your video. It is important to include information that will help employees feel more connected with their workplace, such as how they are making an impact on company goals or what you value most about them. It also helps if everyone involved in creating the video has input into this process because it allows each person to feel like they have contributed something meaningful before anything gets filmed. Having clear direction from leadership ensures that all team members know exactly what message needs to be communicated while helping avoid any confusion when filming begins. You should also plan for post-production by deciding whether you want real people or animated characters included in the video so that everything goes smoothly once these decisions are.

Film the video. This is where many companies have challenges because they may not be able to use their internal resources if they are limited in size or experience level, especially for larger teams that need more people involved with creating content on a regular basis. It’s important to find employees who can communicate well and will fit into your existing company culture so there aren’t any issues during the filming or editing of these videos.

Edit the video using an online editor before sharing it across all platforms. You can either use your internal resources or use an online video editor Fortunately, there are tons of available video editor online that’s easy to use and will allow you to create a polished video in no time.

Share your new announcement with employees through email and other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Once everyone has watched the finished product, make sure to share it across every platform you want it to be seen whether via email blasts or social media posts. You can also include links at events like town hall meetings or group training sessions as another way to share this with employees at your company. There are times when the video’s format is not compatible with the platform. Use a video converter to change it to the preferred format without ruining its quality.

Employee engagement can be difficult if you don’t know where to begin, but it’s something that many companies struggle with often because they want their team members to feel like they are more than just a number or statistics on paper. By using video as part of the employee engagement process, you will help people connect in ways that go beyond traditional methods through sharing engaging content about what matters most for everyone involved.


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