What Is Work Life Balance And Ways To Achieve It

What Is Work Life Balance And Ways To Achieve It

Striking a sound balance between work and life is a troublesome test even in the best of times

A Microsoft’s Work Trend Index Report released in 2020 showed that India had the longest workday span of the surveyed markets.

And with the current COVID wrecking havoc with layoffs and pay cuts people started placing in longer hours and working harder than usual...

Accomplishing a sound balance between work and life requires ways that keep energy streaming, brains and bodies healthy.

Breaking down your current situation is the starting point in accomplishing a healthy balance

Keep a log of professional and personal activities; Invest some energy thinking about what is actually critical to you, at work and at home.

Shed the Superwoman/Superman picture and share your circumstance with your boss. Illogical work circumstances can, as a rule, be reduced;

What is ideal for you will change as conditions change. So you need to analyse and make changes occasionally.