#BreakThe Bias?

Are We Ready To 


While we have made considerable headway over the years, women account for only 39% of the global workforce.


This means that irrespective of the industry in question, we are still not able to give women their due credit at the place of work.


Women from all walks of life still have to struggle and required to give more than their men counterpart to be taken seriously.


The trouble with bias towards the female gender is that it often goes unnoticed making it harder for women


According to Linkedin opportunity index 2021, 85% of working women in India claim to have missed out on a raise, promotion, or work offer because of their gender.


Women also face a ‘motherhood penalty’ where employers perceive mothers as less competent and committed than non-mothers.


We owe a major part of this to deep rooted biases. Overcoming unconscious bias is the key to cultivating equality in the workplace.


If we’re looking to build an ecosystem that is devoid of all gender intolerance, we need to lead by example


And break away from all preconceived assumptions about roles that are limited by gender, in the workplace.