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VFS Global becomes the first visa services company to receive a PMM Level 5 certification

PMM certification



• Achieved rating after a rigorous assessment performed by KPMG 
• Level 5 is the highest maturity level of the PMM certification


VFS Global has successfully completed the highest level of the KPMG People Maturity Model (PMM) assessment at Level 5 (Innovative), becoming the first visa services company to reach this milestone. The certification was awarded following a rigorous assessment conducted by KPMG. The PMM certification represents the organisation’s commitment to continuously improving people process maturity and practices in consonance with the organisational business objectives.


KPMG’s PMM takes various elements that cover the latest trends in HR system process maturity and practices, focusing on enterprise-level improvements. VFS Global had already achieved the  People Capbility Maturity Model (PCMM)  Level 5 appraisal in 2019. In 2018, VFS Global achieved the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Service Excellence maturity level 3, reflecting the organisation’s importance on the quality of work produced.


The PMM Level-5 certification is a testament to the well-established set of human capital management practices at VFS Global, ensuring we attract, develop, motivate, organise and retain the required talent, guiding and assisting them in establishing a culture of excellence.


The newly achieved PMM certification further reinforces the organisation’s commitment to sustainability, backed by a strong workforce and expansive network. VFS Global employs over 8,000 people at its Visa Application Centres and offices in more than 140 countries worldwide. Globally, 116 nationalities work with VFS Global, bringing the benefit of a wide variety of world views. At VFS Global, we have also maintained our gender balance with an overall female: male ratio of 58:42 at the end of 2021.


The company remains dedicated to engaging, upskilling and improving its workforce policies, practices and capabilities in alignment with its business performance and objectives.


Nirbhik Goel, Chief Human Resources Officer, VFS Global, said, “Our people are the organisation’s biggest strength, and receiving the Carnegie Mellon CMMI PCMM 5 certification in 2019, followed closely by the KPMG PMM Level-5 certification this year, is further encouragement to keep upskilling and strengthening our workforce across the globe, keeping our people and practices at the centre of all our business initiatives. We thank KPMG for their support and guidance through this process and congratulate our employees on the hard work they put in every day, which results in our unwavering success as a business.”


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