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Mindful Meditation tips to increase productivity while working from home

Picture of Nakshi Satra

Nakshi Satra

Nakshi Satra is a Principal Life & Business Strategist and founder of In:ha Wellness. Nakshi has established herself as a Wellness expert. She has travelled across to study and experience wellness, have been certified as a Theta Healing Instructor, Practitioner courses in NLP, Hypnotherapy, PRL, JBP, Access Bars and counselling.
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Working from home in the same environment can get challenging, monotonous with no clear distinction between your workspace and your personal space. Life is like a tightrope dance, balancing work life and personal life both, and issues stemming from work can affect your personal life dramatically and vice versa. In any such situation, productivity will dip and frustrations will increase.


Here are a few tips to increase your productivity while working from home – Mindful meditation is a sure-fire way to recharge, rejuvenate and get your productivity up!

When we meditate, even for a few minutes on a daily basis, you can feel vast differences to your usual activities.

Here are a few tips on How to Incorporate it into your Daily Routine!

  • SPACE is IMPORTANT – choose a space or a corner in your own home, which makes you feel good & peaceful. If the space is one of chaos, and distractions you will not be able to meditate from there.
  • Set an INTENTION to your Meditation – Define your purpose, what is it that you would like to feel after meditation? Calmer? More Focused? Inspired? Each Journey needs a definitive goal to assess the progress, define your purpose to evaluate the progress. The mind will guide you intuitively once you have identified your purpose.
  • SIT or LIE DOWN – Meditation can be done in any posture you find most Comfortable! Choose the posture that is most comforting to you!
  • START SMALL – You can begin by a simple 5-minute meditation, just focusing on your breath, simply focusing on your third or visualizing a color and focusing on that or breathing in and out 7 times through each of your chakras, gradually increasing the time as you feel comfortable.
  • THOUGHTS – Most people feel they should not have any thoughts during Meditation. This is a myth. Allow the thoughts to flow until you reach a space of a clear mind, some of the best ideas & inspirations come as thoughts while meditating. Your thoughts are the way your subconscious mind communicates with you.
  • WRITE IT DOWN – We often have fleeting thoughts in meditation that can be the key to many successful breakthroughs, with the daily routine, these thoughts are pushed aside and nestled back down, so it’s a good idea to write down any thoughts however random they may seem after you meditate.
  • CHOOSE YOUR OWN TIME – Choose a time that best suits you, it can be at the end of your workday, first thing before you start your day, or at bedtime.
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There is no right or optimal time, when you feel you need to gather your thoughts, take a break, refocus, is the best time for you.


Following these simple but effective tips, are sure to help you begin a practice of Mindful Meditation, while you work from home and allow you to increase your productivity and recharge & reboot yourself. The primary element of mindful productivity is self-care. By using your mind to your benefit and mindfully steering through stressful activities and routines, you increase your productivity and creativity and decrease the stress levels and the possibility of fatigue. The last dominant aspect of mindfulness is prioritising the process over the outcome. Part of being in the moment involves devoting fully to the task at hand, rather than focusing on what the results will be. This inherently leads itself to productivity because you stay focused on your work instead of thinking about the intangible future.


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