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Picture of Ramendra Malthiyar

Ramendra Malthiyar

Ramendra Malthiyar is an HR Professional with more than 2 decades of experience. He has worked with big Indian and MNCs conglomerates in various profiles of Human Resources. He is an avid reader and a Marathon Runner. He believes HQ & SQ quotients are as important as IQ & EQ. He is CII HR Excellence model assessor from CII. Ramen is currently authoring a book "Leaders do not only talk but walk the talk" and would be writing many more.
Human Resource Blogs

How To Prepare For Your Next Job Interview

Preparing strategically for any interview is the sole way out for success. Don’t let your thoughts get swayed away and concentrate on the basics. The bottom line is that interview process is a serious affair, take it seriously and prepare for the same.

Free Culture Guide to Build a Happy & Productive Workforce